Since 2020 the living conditions for the inhabitants of different departments in Guatemala have changed drastically. With the passage of the Eta-Iota storms, more than 2 million 400 thousand people nationwide, including children, were affected. In...
This material contains a general explanation of the situation experienced by thousands of Guatemalan families nationwide, as well as the inhabitants of the dry corridor of Quiché. Also, contains more information related to our actions as Save the...
El informe, titulado “Financiamiento para asuntos de género en Guatemala: Mapeo de los fondos destinados a asegurar una mayor equidad de género” evalúa la disponibilidad y calidad de la información pública, indaga en el uso de los datos y realiza...
Con el apoyo de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional-USAID, Save the Children está acompañando los esfuerzos de la Municipalidad de Guatemala y de la DAS Central del MSPAS en la prevención, control y mitigación del...
This is a list of different activities that children can do at home while learning, as the school year is about to finish in Guatemala. Let´s help children to have fun at a safe place, and enjoy time with the ones they love the most.
This is an information brochure about Save the Children Guatemala and the work they are doing for the year 2022.
El cuento de “El Cinturón de Fuego” está dirigido a niñas y niños en edad escolar, con información sobre uno de los volcanes más importantes y activos de Guatemala, promoviendo las habilidades de lectoescritura y el aprendizaje sobre...
This material presents a quantitative and qualitative approach to the investment of public funds in government programs aimed at dealing with violence that affect children and adolescents; it is based on information generated by the guarantor...
General information about our education programs in the context of our #SafeBackToSchool campaign for Save the Children Guatemala’s corporate allies.
Con el apoyo de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional-USAID, Save the Children está acompañando los esfuerzos de la Municipalidad de Guatemala y de la DAS Central del MSPAS en la prevención, control y mitigación del...